Storynomics Tourism as an Effective Marketing Strategy on Tourism Destination (Case Study on Tangkuban Parahu, West Java-Indonesia)

Titing Kartika, Nova Riana


The purpose of this study is to find out how the storynomics tourism approach can be used as an effective tourism marketing destination. In this case, Tangkuban Parahu in West Java, Indonesia. Tangkuban Parahu has historical and folklore values that are trusted by the wider community so that this will build the branding power of the destination. The challenge is how this message can be conveyed to tourists not only convey the value of myth but also packaged in other forms so as to provide educational value to each visitor. The research method used is qualitative descriptive. Data collection is done through observation, documentation, and interviews. The results show that the storynomics approach can be used as an effective strategy in marketing the Tangkuban Parahu destination, which can indirectly increase interest in visiting the place.


Storynomics tourism, marketing communication, destination, Tangkuban Parahu

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