Potential Feasibility of Menggung Coffee as A Product of Local Wisdom in Sewu Kembang Tourism Village Nglurah Tawangmangu

Yohanes Martono Widagdo


The Sewu Kembang Nglurah Tourism Village area of Tawangmangu, which incidentally is a tourist destination producing ornamental plants, also has the potential for local wisdom for other products besides ornamental plants, namely Menggung Coffee. As the name implies, Menggung Coffee is attached to the heritage of Menggung temple as the name of the coffee brand. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to review the identification of the potential feasibility of Menggung coffee, starting from the coffee beans, the production process, and also the product packaging and menu of Menggung coffee variants. The research method used is a qualitative method with descriptive analysis, which focuses on the results of interviews with 1 Menggung Coffee producer, 1 Wangsul coffee producer, 1 Nglurah village head, 1 Nglurah community leader, and 2 Menggung coffee consumers. The results of the study contained several potential feasibilities in Menggung coffee. The first potential is the feasibility of Menggung coffee beans, which are original coffee from Nglurah Tawangmangu, which incidentally is Javanese coffee from the slopes of Mount Lawu. Although both come from the same parent, Menggung Coffee, when processed, has a different aroma from coffee on other slopes of Mount Lawu. Another potential feasibility of Menggung coffee is in the processing process using the slow roast technique for Arabica and Fast Roast for Robusta and does not use preservatives in its production. However, the potential feasibility of packaging and variant menus needs to be improved considering that the P-IRT license has not been taken care of by the Menggung coffee producer so that later this brand can be claimed by outside parties and also needs to improve the menu variants in the future so that they can compete with other coffee products. 


Potential feasibility of Menggung Coffee, Local Wisdom, and Sewu Kembang Nglurah Tourism Village

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31098/tsdr.v3i2.72


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