Self-Identity of Millennial Generation as Traveling and Tourism Lovers Case Study Concerning Demographic And Psychographic Map Of Tourism Communication

Jenny Ratna Suminar, Ditha Prasanti, Moch. Armien Syifaa Sutarjo


The millennial generation is in the range of 23 to 38 years, which is now a productive and attractive workforce group. It is interesting to be studied where one of their characteristics is prioritizing Work-Life-Balance. It is a term where the generation prioritizes a balance between the world of work and personal life compared to previous generations. They tend to choose jobs that are more flexible in terms of conditions and working hours. So they can have more free time with friends, family, or to develop a hobby as it is stated in the results of research conducted by Ng Schweitzer and Lyons (2010). It is reinforced by the statement that the characteristics that describe the next millennial generation are that they would rather spend money to get certain experiences rather than save to add assets. Of course, millennials generally prefer to travel around Indonesia and the world rather than save for investment. This research aims to: 1) Determine millennial's motivation for traveling; 2). Know how traveling is favored by millennials. The research uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological tradition where the data are collected by conducting in-depth interviews. The results of this study provide information about the demographic and psychographic data of millennials, which can be necessary for traveling and tourism businesses to understand who is the target in a pleasant and profitable business.


Millenial, Traveling and Tourism, Phenomenology

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