Outdoor Tourism in Pandemic: Community Health and Welfare Solutions

Euis Puspita Dewi, Maya Syafriana Effendi, Ahmad Muhammad Thantawi, Siti Sujatini, Henni Henni


Outdoor tourism is becoming a trend and is increasingly in demand during the pandemic. This tourism is considered the safest and most comfortable choice after two years of the community being limited in all their activities. This article aims to observe what forms of outdoor tourism are and how these tours are a solution to maintaining health and supporting community welfare. Through a qualitative approach with a case study method, it can be found forms and ways in which outdoor tourism in Sentul, Bogor can provide solutions for the health and well-being of the community. The interview method with the Sentul Community Local Guide manager was also carried out to extract data on all outdoor tourism activities in Sentul. The result of this research is a shift in the tendency of public interest in tourism from the form of mass tourism to tourism that is private or small groups. Outdoor tourism that uses the concept of Community Based Development (CBT) is a solution to maintaining health and improving community welfare during a pandemic. Outdoor tour packages with various choices, ranging from nature-based tours to sports, therapy, and adventures, are offered to enhance physical and mental health after the pandemic. Local communities' involvement can increase the economy's level while creating sustainable tourism. Smart Tourism is a solution going forward to integrate all outdoor tourism facilities into One Stop Sentul Tourism. 

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31098/tsdr.v3i2.66


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