Covid-19 Disaster Management Through Websites and Social Media Regency/City Government in the Special Region of Yogyakarta

Isbandi Sutrisno, Edwi Arief Sosiawan


The severity of criticism in handling the COVID-19 pandemic has made local governments turn to information and communication technology to back up various important information in mitigating the handling of COVID-19. Although the district/city government in Yogyakarta has taken advantage of digitalization in the operation of its government system, it is still a question mark whether the district/city local government can utilize websites and social media as a means and media for handling COVID -19 effectively and efficiently mapping COVID-19 data. And socialization of its handling to the community. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research to obtain comprehensive data related to disaster management through websites and social media by the district/city government in Yogyakarta. The results show that the use of websites and social media by the Sleman Regency Government and Yogyakarta City Government to mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic is utilizing online data sources for early detection of disease; in the form of notification of diagnosed cases, data visualization tools for decision support, namely the use of collecting public health data in real-time, as well as the use of public communications related to the mitigation of the covid-19 pandemic. The conclusion obtained is that the use of pages and social media used by the Sleman Regency Government and the Yogyakarta City Government has similarities in their use, both back office, and front office. However, there are differences in information content both on the page and on social media users.   


Disaster Management; website; social media

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