Public Perception about Virtual Tourism for Conservation Area Promotion

Virga Tria Ilahana, Eva Rachmawati


The Covid-19 pandemic has drastically reduced the number of tourist visits. The tourism management uses this condition to stabilize the economy by holding virtual tours, both as tourism programs and promotion of tourist destinations. Public perceptions of virtual tourism in tourism management and promotion illustrate how much improvement is needed in tourism management. This study aims are to identify the characteristics of respondents, their perceptions of virtual tourism, and the relationship between respondents' characteristics and their perceptions of virtual tourism. The data collection method used is an online survey. The sampling technique applied was non-probability sampling with the convenience sampling method and used quantitative descriptive analysis. This research shows that most respondents understand well the meaning of virtual tourism, virtual tourism as alternative tourism, and the importance of virtual tourism in the management and promotion of conservation areas. Respondents' perceptions tend to consider virtual tourism important for the promotion of conservation areas so that respondents' perceptions are in line with expectations.


Characteristics; Perception; Promotion; Virtual tourism

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