Experience Quality as the Key to Successful Halal Tourism Development

Rahmawati Rahmawati, Tetra Hidayati, Gusti Noorlitaria Achmad


Lombok has become Indonesia’s mainstay halal tourist destination; they proved Lombok won the highest score in the GMTI and IMTI surveys. The label as the best halal tourist destination must be a competitive advantage that can attract Muslim tourists to visit Lombok. This study seeks to explain the effect of the variables Halal Tourism Index, Tourist Satisfaction, Tourist Experience Quality on Revisit Intention. This study took domestic Muslim tourist respondents aged between 17 to 60 years who had visited Lombok in the last 3 years. With 87 respondents, it processed the data using PLS-SEM. We know the results of the hypothesis test that the Halal tourism index has no effect on tourist satisfaction and revisit intention; the Halal tourism index has a significant effect on Tourist Experience quality. While the Tourist Experience quality variable has a significant effect on tourist satisfaction and revisit intention, and tourist satisfaction influences revisit intention. The limitation of this research is that respondents are not evenly distributed to all regions of Indonesia, and the number is only 87 respondents. This study revealed that the key factor in making domestic Muslim tourists satisfied and intend to visit Lombok is Experience quality.


Halal tourism; tourist experience; revisit intention; tourist experience; tourist satisfaction; PLS-SEM; Lombok

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31098/tsdr.v3i1.57


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