Filipino Sign Language Skills and Deaf Culture Awareness in Hospitality Industry Employability

Ma. Aurora C. Niebla


Many Deaf Filipinos remain unemployed despite the increased attention level from the hospitality industry. The study aimed to examine the levels of awareness on Deaf culture and FSL skills within the hospitality industry of Zamboanga City to foster sustainable employment - including quality service; it used a descriptive research design employing qualitative and quantitative approaches.  The sample group was purposively selected from 4 hotels and 8 restaurants - duly accredited by the Department of Tourism Region 9 as of December 31, 2018. The study revealed that Zamboanga City hospitality industry stakeholders were aware 1) of Deaf culture; that 2) Deaf individuals can visually communicate through reading, writing, gestures, or FSL; 3) they can visually communicate with Deaf individuals regardless of their FSL knowledge or skills; also, 4) there was no significant difference in the respondents’ levels of awareness on Deaf culture and FSL skills in the area; 5) an intervention program is needed to increase Deaf Zamboangeños' hospitality employability. The study concluded that Zamboangeño hospitality industry stakeholders 1) were aware of Deaf culture and FSL skills despite linguistic differences; 2) can visually communicate with Deaf individuals despite having little to no FSL skills nor Deaf culture knowledge; also, 3) the communication models affect Deaf individuals' hospitality employability and capability; and, 4) Deaf culture awareness and FSL skills through interactive interaction among Deaf and hearing individuals, within hospitality business operations, are crucial in emerging communication patterns.


Deaf Culture Awareness; Deaf Employment; Filipino Sign Language Skills; Hospitality Industry; Inclusive Environment

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