Museum Service Value Blueprint: An Enhanced View on Visitor Experience

Gita Anugrah, Rifi Wijayanti Dual Arifin, Diah Kusumastuti, Selma Karamy, Astri Amanda


The experience of visiting a particular site in a particular place is a subjective and distinctive matter for everyone. The experience and expectations for every individual are diverse, relying upon the type of data assimilated from a tourism site, in this case, is a museum. Projection of experience expectations during a visit to the Museum is likely to occur if there is an additional value from the service system in the Museum. Exploring the role of the visitors as a co-creator experience is the aim of this study, exploration based on the possibility of visitor participation and interaction during their visit, that visualized through service value blueprint. This study uses a qualitative approach and a conceptual work that explores the service system of the Museum by conceiving of service blueprint in existing and proposed value to co-create by the visitor of the Museum. The service value blueprint utilized to map new value creation that permits visitors and museum management to improve the interactive displays that can be a useful asset to construct visitor engagement that fundamentally contributes to a museum's long haul relationship with the visitors. The limitations of this study are the generalization in the Indonesian context, specifically in the Museum located in Bandung and limitations of the study's approach to strengthen the structure of research thought. Fulfillment of the literature gap related to value co-creation in the application of museum context is the originality of this study


Visitor Experience; Value Creation; Service Value Blueprint; Museum

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Copyright (c) 2020 Gita Anugrah, Rifi Wijayanti Dual Arifin, Diah Kusumastuti, Selma Karamy, Astri Amanda

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