Strategy of Packaging Pangandaran Tour as Leading Marine Tour Product of Travel Agents in Bandung

Khoirul Fajri, Rieke Sri Rizki Asti Karini


After the separation of Pangandaran from Ciamis regency of West Java, which is based on Indonesian law no. 21 of 2012 on the Establishment of District Pangandaran in West Java province. The medium-term development plan of the government of West Java has stipulated that in the next five years, the tourism sector will become a development locomotive in West Java. There are three leading tourism destinations in West Java Province, one of destination is Pangandaran Beach. This location will be developed as world-class destinations. The travel company can be used as a basis for developing tourism package products, specifically Pangandaran destinations, as marine tourism. This research will analyze the packaging strategy of Pangandaran tour packages by travel companies in Bandung as a superior marine tourism package. The analysis technique used by the SWOT (Strenght, Weakness, Opportunity, and threat) method is aimed at analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the internal side as well as analyzing the opportunities and threats from the external environment of travel companies that pack Pangandaran destination as a superior marine tourism package. The results of the study found that various potential strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities of travel companies in packaging Pangandaran tour packages as marine tourism packages. And some strategies of packaging Pangandaran tour as a product of excellent marine tour.


Strategies Packaging, Package Tours Bahari, Pangandaran.

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Tourism and Sustainable Development Review (TSDR)

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